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Python access member as string

Roien 2021. 12. 19.

You from time to time meet a case that you need to set member varialbe. In such a case, if you get a class with lots of member varialbe, then code to set/get is somewhat burden.
In such case, there are very simple way to do. I'll let you know in this article.

class definition

Assume that there is a class with three member attributes as follow.


class Item:
    def __init__(self):
        self.key = None
        self.cat = None
        self.file = None

regular way to set

Regular way to set values to attributes is like this.

item = Item()

item.key = 1
item.cat = 3
item.file = 'filename'

In case above, the total number of attributes is just three. So, it is very easy to do. But, imagine that there is a class with lots of member attributes more than dozens. It must be very irksome.


Yes, in order to handle this situation easily, you can use 'setattr'.
Okay, first, just declare a list that has member name and value to set.

attrs = [
    ('key', 20), ('cat', 5), ('file', 'file1.txt)

for member, value in attrs:
    setattr(item, member, value)


Oppositely, you can use getattr to get the value of each attribute.

for member, value in attrs:
    val = getattr(item, member)
